Amanda Brown Lierman

Senior Director for Policy and Engagement and Executive Director of GoFundMe.org, GoFundMe

About Me

Amanda is the Senior Director for Policy and Engagement for GoFundMe and the Executive Director of GoFundMe.org. Amanda most recently served as Executive Director of Supermajority, an organization working to build women's political power. Amanda’s passion for community organizing was ignited through her earliest career experiences -- as an intern in then-Senator Barack Obama’s office and then campaign organizer for his 2008 presidential campaign. Amanda learned the power that storytelling has to connect, inspire, and move people to action. Amanda served as Rock the Vote’s national political director, where she managed the maintenance and development of an online voter registration tool. She served as Executive Director for the National Women’s Business Council, which conducts research on issues of impact and importance to women entrepreneurs. Amanda launched For Our Future, an $80 million organizing effort. For the 2018 midterms, she served as the political & organizing director for the DNC.


The Arizona Biltmore

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