Mona Potter, MD

Chief Medical Officer and Co-Founder, InStride Health

About Me

With nearly two decades of clinical and administrative training and experience in the MGH/McLean/Harvard Medical School system, Dr. Potter, a board certified child and adolescent psychiatrist, co-founded InStride Health, an innovative virtual outpatient program that serves the needs of children, teens, and young adults (and their families) diagnosed with anxiety and OCD. She maintains her academic ties as Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, part time, at Harvard Medical School. Prior to InStride Health, Dr. Potter served as the Medical Director of McLean Hospital’s Child and Adolescent Outpatient Services. In this role, Dr. Potter was integral in co-building several clinical programs, including the McLean Anxiety Mastery Program (MAMP) and School Consultation Service. Through her role on the leadership team of the McLean Institute for Technology in Psychiatry (ITP), she also investigated clinical applications of technology, including the use of virtual reality for anxiety and OCD exposure therapy. In her current role as Chief Medical Officer at InStride Health Dr. Potter strives to bring together the best of academic medicine, technology, and operational efficiencies to offer insurance-based access to care that works. She also enjoys summiting mountains, coaching her children’s soccer and Lego League teams, and keeping the music alive while playing piano duets with her family.


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