Kier Wallis Heschong

Managing Director, Manatt Health

About Me

Kier Wallis helps private and public clients navigate the rapidly evolving health care landscape. Using her knowledge of delivery system and payment reform, coverage and access, and health information technology and exchange, she assists clients in program development and implementation.

Kier collaborates with states, providers, health plans, pharmaceutical manufacturers and foundations to understand how industry, federal and state-driven policy and trends affect their constituents and businesses. She often helps clients respond to policy changes and develop strategies to support the triple goal of better health, better care and lower costs.

During her career, Kier has helped a foundation create a strategy focused on children's coverage under health care reform; supported states seeking to expand Medicaid coverage; assisted large health systems that participate in New York’s Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment program; and managed multistakeholder planning around governance, technology, privacy and security, and consumer engagement.


The Arizona Biltmore

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