Talkspace: Breaking Through the Behavioral Health Noise

How a strategic partnership with Behavioral Health Tech helped Talkspace elevate its brand and unlock sustainable growth

As one of the earliest pioneers in the field, Talkspace revolutionized the way individuals access therapy by offering convenient and affordable virtual counseling services. With Talkspace’s core therapy offerings, members are matched with one of thousands of licensed therapists within days and can engage in live video, audio, or chat sessions, and/or unlimited asynchronous text messaging sessions. Founded upon a mission to provide quality mental health services for all, the company quickly emerged as a leader in leveraging technology to bridge gaps in how mental healthcare is delivered. The impact has been significant as more than 150 million Americans have access to Talkspace through their health insurance plans, employee assistance programs, or as a free benefit through their employer, school, or government agency. 

Despite establishing a strong position in the market, Talkspace was facing an increase in competition due rising demand for mental health services and more and more companies attempting to address the growing crisis through technology.  Amidst an expanding diversity of clinical solutions, Talkspace was seeking new ways to break through a crowded market, communicate its unique value proposition effectively with key decision makers, and find ways to shorten notoriously long sales cycles in healthcare. 

Continuous Thought Leadership & Brand Awareness

Recognizing the need for strategic collaboration to help unlock growth, Talkspace forged an early partnership with Behavioral Health Tech (BHT), the leading community solely committed to expanding access to mental health, substance use, and intellectual/developmental disability (IDD) services through technology, health equity and innovation. The best problem solvers in behavioral health need to be talking to each other, and BHT makes that happen by convening stakeholders across the healthcare ecosystem to facilitate the connections necessary for innovating culturally-sensitive, high-quality behavioral health for all. This partnership with BHT proved instrumental in Talkspace's brand awareness and growth efforts, providing access to a plethora of opportunities to amplify its brand presence and engage with key stakeholders.

BHT's year-round media and branding opportunities combined with their engaged, executive, and rapidly growing audience provided Talkspace with a powerful mechanism for sustaining brand visibility and engagement. “For example, their newsletter is very well thought out,” noted Erin Boyd, Chief Growth Officer at Talkspace. “I look forward to it every week and it helps us stay on top of everything newsworthy in our space.” By sponsoring one of BHT’s monthly webinars, getting mentions in its weekly newsletter, and participating in their various thought leadership engagements, Talkspace ensured that its clinical leaders and brand remained top-of-mind for healthcare decision-makers year-round.

Additionally, BHT's flagship annual conference emerged as a cornerstone of Talkspace's marketing strategy. Renowned for its excellence in content and boundless networking opportunities, the Behavioral Health Tech conference provided an unparalleled opportunity for Talkspace to showcase its offerings and connect in person with both existing customers and leadership at key prospects. “It’s by far one of the best behavioral industry events that I've been to when you combine the wealth of content with the quality of attendees,” said Erin Boyd. “Our presence at the conference allowed us to connect with C-suite and clinical leadership from major insurers, who were all there. We had incredibly helpful conversations with the CEO of a major health plan and with one of the biggest employers in the country. Those meetings wouldn’t have happened elsewhere.” With multiple executive leaders in attendance and speaking at the conference about the company’s strategic plans and roadmap, Talkspace was also able to generate earned media coverage from industry news outlets.

BHT & Talkspace partnership at a glance:

  • Webinar in Q2 2022 to drive brand awareness & thought leadership
  • Job postings to support recruiting and hiring efforts
  • Newsletter inclusions to share company updates & press with BHT network
  • Annual conference sponsorship and speaking to meet key customers and prospects 

From Relationship Building to Business Growth

The partnership between Talkspace and BHT has evolved into a trusted alliance built on mutual respect and shared goals. Erin Delaney, Associate Director of Events at Talkspace, emphasized the depth of the relationship, stating, "In the few years we've worked with BHT, we have just built such a trusting relationship. It’s just amazing the brand and network they’ve established; they sit at the intersection of so many parts of behavioral healthcare, so working with them helps us be part of that ongoing conversation.”  

The mission aligned collaboration between Talkspace and BHT yielded tangible business results, including the generation of lucrative contracts and expanded coverage for millions of lives that now have access to Talkspace’s tools and services. Additionally, the partnership and the connection to other organizations in the BHT network facilitated the launch of Talkspace's groundbreaking Behavioral Health Consortium - an innovative initiative aimed at expanding in-network offerings and enhancing access to specialized care and treatment programs. By sharing helpful industry insights, research, and best practices throughout the year with the BHT community, Talkspace effectively differentiates itself from competitors and solidifies its reputation as an industry leader.