Not Just for Therapists: Uncover Unique Careers in the Behavioral Health Industry

A primer on the variety of roles you can find at companies focused on the behavioral health space.

Glad to have you back at “The Behavioral Health Career Launchpad”! In case you missed it, last week we discussed the current role of artificial intelligence in the behavioral health field. This week, we are excited to provide a primer on the variety of roles you can find at companies focused on the behavioral health space. 

Let’s get started.

There is a Role for Everyone

As you will see below, there are a variety of roles in the behavioral health field. From practitioners to business functions, there is a wide spectrum of skills, roles, and responsibilities needed to innovate within the space. Our hope is that this makes you excited – there is a role for a rich diversity of backgrounds, skills, and interests within the field. 

Clinical & Behavioral Health Roles

We naturally have to start with the clinical and behavioral roles in the field. These roles cover anyone who will be providing behavioral healthcare, including therapists, nurse practitioners, psychiatrists, social workers and behavioral health specialists. These roles make up the life-blood of the field, providing essential care for those struggling with their mental health. 

Therapists of all specialities are needed within the field, from focusing on anxiety and depression to obsessive compulsive disorder to eating disorders. Additionally, therapists focused on all populations are needed, including child and family therapists.

Clinical Operation Roles

The next segment of roles within the behavioral health space are clinical operation roles. These roles focus on the day-to-day support that allows therapists to focus on the therapy they are providing. Roles in this segment include family mentors, clinical operations coordinator, behavioral health care navigator, and patient services representatives. From working directly with families to individuals, folks in these roles perform the essential function of ensuring that individuals can navigate the mental healthcare system. 

Product & Technology Roles

Specifically at behavioral healthcare technology companies, product and technology roles make up a large portion of their workforce. Roles in this category include product managers, implementation specialists, engineers, and user design specialists. Individuals in these roles develop the product strategy, build the product, and ensure that the product can be deployed to the end users. 

Corporate Services Roles

This category is by far the largest and covers a wide range of roles that may be interesting to you. Essentially, this category covers all other roles that are available that help to support and grow the business. 

Go-to-Market Roles: First up are go-to-market roles. These roles include marketing roles (e.g., product marketing or marketing events managers) and sales roles (e.g., account executives or sales associates). All of these roles are focused on growing the business and ensuring that the company's go-to-market efforts are effective. 

People & Human Resources Roles: Second are roles within the people and human resources world. Examples of roles within this category include recruiters, benefits managers, or learning & development specialists. These teams will be focused on recruiting, onboarding, and retaining the best talent in the field to ensure the company's success. 

Finance Roles: Third, there are often super interesting roles within the finance departments at behavioral health companies. Members of the finance team range from accountants to those interested in strategic financial planning, all focused on ensuring that the company has the financial support needed to operate. 

Operations Roles: Lastly are the operations roles. This category covers the widest range of possible roles, including business operations, quality assurance managers, customer success managers, and project / program managers. Generally, individuals in these roles are focused on conducting and streamlining the processes that make gears of the day-to-day business turn. 

A Pro Tip: Explore the Roles That You Have Never Heard of Before

Sometimes, companies know that they have a need for a role in a specific area, but because that role does not fit into a neat box they are not sure what to call it. If there is a role named something you have never heard before – explore that role! You never know if you might find a role that is the perfect fit for you.