Navigating the Impact of Regulations on SUD Treatment in the US

Jessica Kantor

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Stephanie Strong

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Jessica Johnson

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John Snook

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Nick Mercadante

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Regulations  play a significant role in shaping the landscape of substance use disorder  (SUD) treatment in the United States, influencing everything from access to  care to the delivery of evidence-based practices. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, key regulations facilitated access to substance use  disorder (SUD) treatment. But with recent regulatory changes, we're facing  new challenges.We're highlighting the complexities of navigating  federal and state regulations affecting telehealth, medication access, and  harm reduction strategies. We're calling for updated policies and greater collaboration among stakeholders to improve outcomes in the SUD treatment  community.


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Earn up to 13 continuing education (CE) hours

In partnership with PESI, our event offered CE credits for mental health professionals who attend. For those unable to make the trip to Arizona, the CE credits were attainable virtually via PESI's streaming platform during the live event.

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